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ESOL Conversation Tutoring:  Let’s Talk!

English conversation tutoring for speakers of other languages is exactly what it sounds like. Through simple conversations students can learn more about the English language than they are likely to learn in a classroom.

Tutors can customize sessions to meet student needs. These sessions can be a safe place to try new knowledge and skills without worrying about making mistakes. When you do make mistakes you can laugh about them, learn from them, and build your confidence as an English speaker.


During conversation tutoring the focus is on vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, and building confidence. Students get significant experience speaking and listening. The more experience they get the more confident they become.



English vocabulary can be very challenging for a variety of reasons. Sometimes English words are significantly different than the words in the student’s native language. If there is a significant difference it can be hard to make a direct translation.

Cultural differences may add to the confusion. It can be difficult to figure out the correct words to use.

Also, if students are not familiar with the American way of life, they may not know they are using the wrong word.

For example, I had a conversation student tell me she went to the hotel to see her primary care doctor.  I paused as I was trying to figure out what she was trying to tell me.  As I continued to ask questions and listen to her story about the medical system in China, I finally realized she was trying to tell me she went to the hospital to see her primary care doctor. We had a good laugh when we finally figured out the cause of the confusion.

It is not unusual to find multiple words that sound alike, are spelled differently, and have different meanings.  Basic examples include to, two, and too; four, for, and fore; and there, their, and they’re. If you want to get more advanced, think about threw and through or flower and flour. The list goes on. The spelling is an issue when you are reading and writing but understanding that these are in fact different words is important when you are speaking and listening.


If you did not know flower and flour are different words, what would you do if you were helping somebody bake and they asked you to flour the pans? Or if you were out in the yard and your friend asked you to water the flowers?



Sometimes conversation students also need to work on the basics. I have had professionals who speak and understand English; however, their pronunciation leaves them feeling vulnerable in the workplace. They request conversation tutoring to learn how to speak English with an “American accent” because they believe this will help them sound more credible at work.

There are also other common mispronunciations that may occur. When I am working with new students in an introductory tutoring session we work on vowels, consonants, and syllables. A common issue with vowels comes with the pronunciation of the short I sound. Many of my students have pronounced it like a long E sound.  For example, the word win is pronounced ween or the word hit becomes heat. I have had many students pronounce the letter V like a W. The word very becomes wary. The TH combination is often pronounced like a hard T. The word three becomes tree. We often work on these issues in conversation tutoring.

Other, more isolated issues may occur related to specific words. One of my students was trying to tell a story about somebody selling peanuts at a ballgame. I did a double take when she said the word peanuts.  She did not pronounce the T. (Think about it.)  When I told her what it sounded like she was horribly embarrassed!  Conversation tutoring is a safe place to figure out these kinds of mispronunciations.


Listening is an important component of learning English. American English has a rhythm. We do not always speak word by word and we often connect our words to form sound groups, making it harder for non-native speakers to understand what we are saying. When you combine all these factors with the way we use intonation to stress important information, American English speakers can sound different than other English speakers around the world.

When learning English, it can be helpful to focus on listening to pure sounds, not the spelling of words. Sometimes the pronunciation of a word and stress within a word depends on where the syllable is located. For example, the words photograph and photography are spelled exactly the same except for the last letter of photography. However, their pronunciation is very different as a result of the stressed syllable:  PHOtograph versus phoTOGraphy. Listening to how these words are used in conversation will help students learn how they are pronounced. Students who already know the correct pronunciation can learn how to use the different words in conversation.


Working through these types of issues takes time and practice. It is not easy if you lack confidence and are afraid of making a mistake.  Conversation tutoring gives you an opportunity to practice and gain confidence.


I worked with a student from India that started off answering all my questions with one-word answers. I finally told her she needed to hold up her end of the conversation and insisted that she ask me a question every time she answered one of mine.   After two months of weekly sessions, she had gained enough confidence to spend an entire hour telling me about her home and neighborhood in India. She also told me about her holiday traditions and common foods served for the celebrations. She had clearly gained a great deal of confidence because she was practicing with me and various conversation groups.

Let’s face it, if English is not your first language it can be very difficult to learn! Some adult students have reported taking classes for years and they still have trouble with reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking. If you are not ready for conversation tutoring, need a break from taking classes, and want to do more work on your own, drop a note in the comments section and I will send you some resources.


CStarsky Lifelong Learning LLC offers virtual customized English tutoring for speakers of other languages. All levels of students are welcome.


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