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Fun Activities for Preschool Children (ages 3-6)


If you are looking for fun learning activities for your preschool age children keep an eye on this page.  We will try to provide regular updates to lists of arts & crafts, cooking, physical activities, and songs to share with your children.  If you have activities you would like to share please  submit your suggestions using the form below.  All contributors will be acknowledged in the online post using the first name and first initial of last name.   No email addresses will be publically shared; however, active email addresses must be submitted with your contribution.



Six preschool children sitting around a tablereschool children fingerpainting in the park
Activity in a preschool classroom
Six preschool children sitting around a table
Preschoolers coloring on a table
preschool child playing at a table
two preschool boys playing with wooden toys on floor
Female teacher standing with three preschoolers

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

Albert Einstein

Draw Chalk Pictures on the Sidewalk

The flowers and the ladybug that morphed into a butterfly were provided by Caroline W. (May 2016)


The dinosaur was provided by Truman W.  (June 2016)



Photo of young children watching Nemo at local aquarium

Visit the Local Aquarium

Provided by Mimi M. (Nov 2015)

Kids enjoy finding Nemo and Dory at the local aquarium!

chalk drawing of flowers on the sidewalk
chalk drawing of a dinosaur on the sidewalk
Chalk drawing of a ladybug that morphed into a butterfly

Visit a Local Park Center, Petting Zoo, or Farm

Provided by Mimi M. (Nov 2015)


Kids enjoy animals.  The local park center can provide a great deal of information about animal life.  A visit to the zoo, a petting zoo, or a farm is fun and educational for preschool and school age kids.  Adults love them too!

Young girl watching geese at local park
Mom with 2 kids watching Panda at the Washington Zoo
Young girl talking to animal through a fence at local petting zoo

TO SUBMIT YOUR ACTIVITY please fill out and submit the form below.  Examples will be selected and posted periodically for others to enjoy.  We do not share email addresses with any outside sources.  We do not spam contributors.  Thank you!

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